Matthew J. Weiss, Esq. is one of the most business-savvy and entrepreneurial lawyers that you will ever meet. He is former President of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, New York Chapter, and has spoken before 1,000s of business owners on various business topics including marketing, sales, making a mark and managing rocks stars. Weiss has regularly appeared as a business expert on MSNBC’s “Your Business”, and has been quoted by dozens of media outlets.
In 1991, Mr. Weiss co-founded his private law practice and, nine years later, bought out his partner. Since then, Weiss & Associates, PC, has grown to representing 1,000s of clients annually throughout New York State. His law firm defends motorists from various vehicle and traffic law matters such as drinking and driving, speeding, and reckless driving. Mr. Weiss also handles commercial and real estate transactions, as well as commercial and personal injury litigation for select clients.
Mr. Weiss has started numerous businesses. His most recent venture is making a documentary film entitled “Man In Red Bandana” about 9/11 hero Welles Remy Crowther. The film is narrated by Gwyneth Paltrow and includes an original song performed by Lyle Lovett.